Do-It-Yourself Lawn Seeding vs. Professional Services

As much as one would save money in DIY lawn seeding, the poor-quality seeds won’t produce the outcomes homeowners seek.

DIY lawn seeding may save money initially but could cost more in the long run. Professional lawn seeding is pricier but produces a more favorable yield as professionals use the best quality seed and effective planting methods, such as power seeding. These methods are guaranteed to yield the nicest grass on the block. As simple as DIY lawn seeding appears, it’s much more complicated and shouldn’t be undertaken by anyone without prior experience.

Discover why it’s better to skip the DIY lawn seeding and hire the professionals.

Lawn care is more than the seeds

Lawn seeds are one part of what’s needed to get great results, and the method of lawn seeding plays a vital role in the growth. Most DIYers who seed on their own will apply the grass seeds, meaning they find bare spots and throw some seeds in those areas.

A more observant DIYer would notice that their soil is compacted and realize that any seeds they distribute won’t grow well or may sit on the soil’s surface and become expensive bird food. This type of DIYer may try DIY aeration or attempt to rake up the soil for a better yield from their seeds. These attempts could cause the seeds to produce better quality lawns, but they won’t overcome the challenge poor-quality seeds present.

Why hire a professional lawn service instead of DIY?

It’s understandable that with everything, some homeowners can justify partaking in DIY projects around their homes. However, it’s better to hire professionals where lawn seeding is concerned. Instead of saving money by DIY seeding, one will waste it due to cheap seeds and poor seeding methods, which won’t yield the desired results. For the best lawn on the block, homeowners should opt for a skilled professional for power seeding.

Pay more for better results

Higher quality results for anything in life cost more. As much as one would save money in DIY lawn seeding, the poor-quality seeds won’t produce the outcomes homeowners seek. DIY seeding versus professional seeding boils down to value versus cost. Investing in a professional seeder who uses high-grade seeds ensures much better results. Many people aren’t aware that cheaper seeds from large box stores contain plenty of filler. This can be anything from weed seeds (which grow unwanted grass types) to paper.

Make the lawn green

Most DIYers don’t consider the type of grass seeds they’re using, and there’s a misconception that grass seeds are all the same. To ensure the highest quality results, the soundest option is hiring a professional seeder to use the best quality seeds with the best seeding methods.

Epic Lawns LLC provides top-quality lawn care and landscaping installation and maintenance to property owners in St. Charles, St. Louis, and Lincoln Counties. Call Epic Lawns at (636) 445-0824.


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