Lawn Mowing Tips for a Healthy Lawn

The ideal grass height for a lawn depends on the season.

Natural lawns need mowing to remain neat and healthy. An overgrown lawn isn’t pleasant to the eye and makes the house’s exterior look untidy.

Here are some tips for mowing and keeping the lawn in tip-top condition:

Cutting height

The ideal grass height for a lawn depends on the season. Set the mower blades to around two to three inches in spring and fall. That’s enough to create the right look and encourage the grass to grow quickly. During summer, the grass can suffer if it’s too short. Set the blades to three to four inches to protect the roots from heat and dehydration.

The lawnmower

The lawnmower must be in good condition to do its job. Check the air and oil filters and replace them if necessary. Also, sharpen the mower blades at the start of the mowing season. Doing so more than once yearly is also a good idea, especially if they’re older. This preparation will ensure that the cuts are clean. Also, consider professional mower repairs or a landscaping service if needed.

Mowing technique

Too much cutting stresses the grass, so only cut around one-third of the blade length.

Don’t throw away the clippings. It might be tempting, but like fallen leaves, they decompose and nourish the soil below. Therefore, leaving the cuttings on the ground is much better than throwing them into the trash.

Try to remember your mowing patterns. If they’re the same each time, it can cause the grass to wilt and the soil to compact. So, switch around periodically to avoid that problem.


Many people mow weekly during the growing season for a consistent look. However, if this seems too frequent, mowing less often is fine. Either way, don’t mow when the grass is wet. Otherwise, it can clump, and the cuts may be uneven.

Lawn health

Test the soil every year or have a professional do so. These checks will identify missing nutrients and explain why the grass may not grow or look as expected. Depending on the soil test results, the grass may also need fertilizer, which is best for spring and fall. To help the grass absorb nutrients better, aerate the lawn, too.

Grass needs water, but too much may cause serious issues. Instead of watering often, water deeply, about one inch per week. This is enough to encourage the grass to grow deep roots.

If the grass seems unhealthy (like harboring pests or diseases), use chemicals only in the problem areas. Don’t just rely on pesticides. Speak with a lawn care professional for other options that are less chemical-based. 

Invest in healthy grass

Healthy grass is a product of careful mowing and proper lawn care. But above all, a balance must be struck between too much and too little, whether mowing, watering, or using chemicals. Professional landscapers know how to strike this balance and handle all your lawn and landscape needs.

Epic Lawns LLC provides top-quality lawn care and landscaping installation and maintenance to property owners in St. Charles, St. Louis, and Lincoln Counties. Call Epic Lawns at (636) 445-0824.


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