Spruce Up A Lawn with an Outdoor Patio or Deck

Wood is generally used on a deck more than on a patio, but it is a great option because it is both durable and beautiful.

When it comes to creating great landscaping around a house, there is no better way than by adding an outdoor patio or deck. They can turn even the drabbest of lawns into a stunning backyard retreat. There are many ways to build a patio, such as with stone, wood, or tile. Depending on what style the homeowners prefer and what fits their location best, they can choose from all these material types to make sure they achieve the best effect possible for the lawn. Each of these materials has its own pros and cons, and before deciding what style to go with, it is a good idea to understand exactly why each one is a good option.

Why pick wood?

Wood is generally used on a deck more than on a patio, but it is a great option because it is both durable and beautiful. There are many types of treated woods available that last many years. The downside is that wood tends to warp and bend easier than other building materials, and over time it can splinter with heavy use. Because of this, it is important to do some general maintenance on a wooden deck every few years.

How about stone?

Stone patios are becoming quite popular these days. If installed correctly, stone patios can last a lifetime without requiring much more upkeep than the occasional sweeping. They also add a lot of character to the yard and set the stage nicely for a party or outdoor barbecue. Overall stone is a great option, with the only con being that it can become quite hot in the sun and also gets slippery when wet. However, the fact that they last so long with such little upkeep majorly outweighs the downsides.

What about tile?

Tile is one of the oldest building materials that is still in use, probably because it works so well. Tile does a great job of effortlessly meeting many requirements: it looks great, absorbs heat, is very durable, and is easy to install. Tile is the main material used for flooring in the Far East, and it can bring a unique architectural design to a home. Tile also does well when wet, which is why it is the main material used in shower rooms. This makes it a great choice for any patio with a pool or fountain as well.

While we’ve covered the basics of deck and patio materials, there are additional details one may want to consider regarding what material to choose. Ultimately it comes down to what is going to make the homeowner happy and look great in their home.

Epic Lawns LLC provides top-quality lawn care and landscaping installation and maintenance to property owners in St. Charles, St. Louis, and Lincoln Counties. Call Epic Lawns at (636) 445-0824.


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