Stonework and Landscaping: 3 Ways To Add Interest To A Home

Stonework can be the most striking way to incorporate walkways and foot traffic through a yard.

Adding stonework to the landscaping in a yard can be an easy way to implement a designer’s touch and convenience through easy navigation. Whether the homeowner is a master gardener or an amateur planter, adding a stone pathway can create flow through the outdoor space, leading visitors on a carefully planned design journey that showcases certain focal points. Stonework is a sophisticated detail that can elevate the overall appearance of an entire yard. Here are three ways a professional landscaping company can add stonework to an outdoor space.

Patio, walkway, or pool deck

Stonework can be the most striking way to incorporate walkways and foot traffic through a yard. Light-colored stone is a desirable choice for many people because it absorbs less sunlight and is not as hot on bare feet. Stonework is a natural design that can integrate seamlessly and easily into any outdoor space. Hardscape landscaping looks as beautiful as the stonework or tiles inside a home but requires less maintenance since it isn’t necessary to keep it polished and smooth. Consider the color of the home and the overall theme of the flower garden when deciding upon the color of a stone addition.

Stone driveway

Stonework can be far more aesthetically pleasing than asphalt for the driveway, and people won’t burn their feet as often since one can choose colors much lighter than the typical black. Cobblestones are a lovely material to use for a hardscape driveway, and they can increase the curb appeal of a home. Cobblestones are, however, more costly and require more physical labor when cleaning the driveway. Although to add value to a home and make it stand out from the rest, a stonework driveway can be the perfect touch. A professional landscaping company can help clients choose the right material that best suits their personal style and budget.

Retaining wall

A stone wall can be used in many different ways in landscaping. A retaining wall made from stonework can be an elegant way to separate the different components of a yard, such as the driveway, walkways, and stonework patios. A stone wall can also act as a privacy barrier between the home and other houses or the road. Instead of building a wooden fence that can rot, deteriorate, and become sun-bleached, a stone retaining wall can provide the same practical purpose and look much more aesthetically pleasing.

The options for using stonework in landscaping are limitless. With the help of a professional landscaping company, clients can decide upon the design aesthetics, colors, and configuration that best suits their style and budget. Think about how stonework can work for the yard, whether there is a pool that could be paved around, an intricate flow of garden and flowers to be organized with walkways, or more privacy with a retaining wall. Professional landscapers can recommend the perfect type of stone and color that flows seamlessly with any home.

Epic Lawns LLC provides top-quality lawn care and landscaping installation and maintenance to property owners in St. Charles, St. Louis, and Lincoln Counties. Call Epic Lawns at (636) 445-0824.


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