Lawn Mowing Tips

Homeowners should only mow the lawn when it’s sufficiently dry.

There are many benefits to mowing the yard properly. It facilitates better and healthier grass growth while also keeping the lawn clean. While mowing may seem basic, a few handy tricks can make the job easier and deliver better results. Simple factors like mowing length, blade sharpness, and the weather can all play a major influence.

Here, we’ll review the best mowing tips:

Only cut the top one-third

Homeowners might be surprised to hear they’re cutting their grass too short. The common reasoning is that it helps avoid doing the chore frequently. However, this approach isn’t optimal for healthy grass growth. Instead, homeowners should raise the mower’s blades, only cutting the top third of the grass.

Mowing the lawn this way will support a healthier root system that finds and absorbs nutrients more efficiently. Additionally, taller grass blades will cover the soil, blocking sunlight and keeping weeds from sprouting. While this method might mean the lawn will need to be mowed more often, the benefits will be well worth the effort.

Timing mowing sessions

Homeowners might wonder: “When is the best time to mow a lawn?” The answer to that question will depend on many factors. Firstly, homeowners should only mow the lawn when it’s sufficiently dry. Otherwise, the trim can be uneven, forming clumps that get caught up in the mower. This can be extremely annoying to clean out. It’s best to avoid mornings when the lawn is still covered with dew and moisture from the previous night.

The middle of the day isn’t best to mow the lawn, either, especially during summer. The hot summer sun is fully shining at this point and can cause stress to the grass. Plus, mowing under those conditions will be too hot and uncomfortable. Instead, opt for either late afternoon or evening.

Avoid ugly lawn ruts

Sometimes, lawn ruts can form after frequent mowing. However, there’s a simple and easy counter to this. Homeowners should mow their lawns in varying directions. One can do this within one session or take a different direction each time the lawn is mowed. Changing directions will keep the grass blades upright instead of leaning to one side. By extension, this keeps ruts from forming. Doing so can also make the whole mowing experience a bit more exciting.

Call a landscaping professional

Mowing the lawn is something homeowners can do by themselves to ensure the grass stays green and healthy. It helps to mow the grass higher, use various directions, and schedule the mowing sessions. However, exceptional results require the expertise of an outstanding professional. Homeowners should contact these experts to help bring their lawns to full potential. The right professionals have the best equipment, knowledge, and experience to do the job.

Epic Lawns LLC provides top-quality lawn care and landscaping installation and maintenance to property owners in St. Charles, St. Louis, and Lincoln Counties. Call Epic Lawns at (636) 445-0824.


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